The Neom

Saudi Arabia is Building a $1 Trillion City The Neom 

The construction of Neom, Saudi Arabia’s proposed $1 trillion city, has reportedly begun. The project was first announced in 2017 by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, and aims to create a hub for advanced technology, renewable energy, and sustainable living.

What’s inside The Neom

The city is planned to cover 26,500 square miles in the northwest of the country, and to be completely powered by renewable energy sources, with autonomous transportation and robots performing various tasks. It is also intended to be a hub for tourism and entertainment, with luxury resorts and other attractions.

According to reports, construction has begun on the first phase of the project, which includes a port, airport, and industrial and residential areas. The construction is being led by the Saudi government’s sovereign wealth fund, with investment and partnerships from international companies. However, it’s important to note that this is a massive and ambitious project, and it’s still uncertain when the city will be completed, or if it will be completed to the full extent of the plans that were presented.